Rethinking Big Data in 2024: How Healthcare Can Leverage Workforce Intelligence to Improve Care

by Charlie Lougheed, CEO of Axuall, for HIT Consultant

The future of healthcare innovation over the next decade will be shaped by insights from clinician big data and AI, otherwise known as workforce intelligence. While clinical discovery is often the first thing that comes to mind, workforce data and the intelligence derived from it represent a lesser-known but equally important place in the future of medicine. 

How we shape healthcare’s workforce, peer networks, and processes comes down to how we use data to surface meaningful information. Leaders must leverage data inside and outside their organizations for healthcare systems to thrive, let alone survive in an arena of extreme supply and demand limitations among doctors, advanced practice providers, allied health professionals, and nurses. 

Workforce Shortages Are the New Normal 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau projections, by 2030, every Baby Boomer will be 65 or older, meaning that one out of every five U.S. citizens will be of retirement age, increasing the use of healthcare services nationwide. Meanwhile, the Association of American Medical Colleges warns that the U.S. could face a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, with more than two of five of today’s active physicians aging over 65 years in the same period. Exacerbating this problem is the growing nurse shortage that threatens access to care for millions of Americans. 

Typically, when healthcare and big data are mentioned in the same sentence, it’s in reference to patient data. When attempting to maximize the patient experience, patient data is a logical first step in addressing the needs of patients. However, the use of patient data, AI, and automated treatment remains a controversial subject.  On the other hand, clinician data entails fewer roadblocks,  holding the key to the discovery of more efficient workforce models to address the existential challenges of workforce shortages, burnout, and attrition. 

Healthcare’s Money Ball Moment

In 2003, Billy Beane, Oakland Athletics general manager, greatly enhanced his strategy for selecting players to create a winning baseball team by altering how he perceived available data. That “Moneyball” strategy could be healthcare’s home run. Data is available, and health systems must change their perception of it to provide the best outcomes for patients and clinical workforces alike.

Beane was successful because he and his team amassed a massive amount of data, analyzed it, and paid attention to the trends. They operated in a place of scarcity and discovered how to build a great team with minimal resources. The U.S. healthcare system’s issues, like workforce shortages and unmanageable workloads, deserve a fresh approach with a similar strategy. 

Clinician Big Data Helps Clinicians and the Organizations They Work For

Clinician big data applies millions of data points to construct a mosaic of the clinical workforce. Much like a phenotype, this data tells a detailed story of a clinician’s career history, including education, training, licensures, employers, facility affiliations, procedural experience, and the patient population traits they have served, benefiting the clinician and organization they work with.

So, how can big data play a role in addressing healthcare workforce issues?

  • Optimizing the Workforce You Have: Healthcare organizations, particularly those that operate across many service lines, license types, locations, and treatment modalities, struggle to keep track of the ever-changing dynamics of their workforce. Leveraging data to align supply and demand in their communities is crucial for efficiently distributing limited resources, preventing over-utilization and burnout, and managing attrition. As the executive director of strategy development for the Mayo Clinic recently stated in a podcast, “We won’t be able to recruit our way out of a workforce shortage.” 
  • Recruiting a Smart Way: When recruiting is the last option, applying workforce analytics to understand the gaps and specific clinician profiles needed to fill them is vital to an efficient growth strategy. Even better, organizations that recruit candidates they know to match those profiles significantly improve their ability to build well-aligned care teams for their patients. 
  • Reducing Onboarding Time and Cost: Collecting information and forms from clinicians and the primary sources who must verify their credentials is a slow, painful, and expensive process, costing healthcare organizations thousands of dollars a day in lost productivity, according to a study conducted by The Health Management Academy. Using big data and intelligent form automation reduces delays in credentialing and enrollment. 
  • Improving Access to Care: Optimizing the workforce means optimizing patient access to care. When clinicians are used more efficiently in roles aligned with their work history and career goals, patients receive elevated care, bettering their experiences. Proper workforce utilization also allows health systems to hire strategically – in an anticipatory manner based on healthcare trends. Access to clinician data enables health systems to staff appropriately before the increase in demand, which means shorter wait times for patients. This capability ensures health systems executives can retain patients while positively engaging clinicians. 

In closing

In reimagining the landscape of healthcare’s potential, the focus must shift from merely accumulating data to actively leveraging it –– especially in the realm of clinician data. The staggering volume of underutilized data is key to resolving today’s critical healthcare issues. Billy Beane and the Oakland Athletics may still be waiting for their championship, but that season changed more than just one team –– it revolutionized a sport. Healthcare stands at a similar precipice, ready to transform its approach by embracing clinician big data.

The crux lies in recognizing the multidimensional nature of clinician data beyond traditional qualifications. By dissecting work histories, individual experiences, and aspirations, healthcare systems can weave together a comprehensive tapestry of their workforce. Embracing this holistic view empowers decision-makers to implement micro-credentialing strategies, optimize workforce management through data-informed decisions, and proactively align clinicians with roles that match their expertise and ambitions. This strategic use of clinician data ensures more efficient patient care. It primes healthcare systems to expertly navigate workforce shortages, fostering a symbiotic relationship between patient access, clinician satisfaction, and operational excellence. As the horizon of healthcare expands, the careful application of clinician data becomes apparent –– not just as an opportunity but as an imperative pillar for the future of a resilient, patient-centric healthcare ecosystem.

About Charlie Lougheed

Charlie Lougheed is the CEO and co-founder of Axuall, a workforce intelligence company built on a national real-time Clinician Data Network that enables healthcare organizations to create more efficient care networks while reducing onboarding time by over 70 percent. 

Lougheed co-founded and co-funded Explorys, now IBM Watson Health, in 2009 as a spin-off from Cleveland Clinic. Explorys became the leader in healthcare big data and value-based-care analytics, spanning hundreds of thousands of healthcare providers and over 60 million patients across the United States. Having amassed the World’s largest clinical data set, Explorys went on to serve the payer, life sciences, and pharmaceutical sectors by providing real-world evidence and insight for product planning, research, health economic outcomes research, and safety.

Reimagining workforce in 2024: The rising role of clinician big data

As the prospects of healthcare workforce shortages loom large, organizations will increasingly use big data to combat burnout and improve human resource initiatives.

Workforce shortages

When you think of supply chain management in healthcare, most people think about personal protective equipment and prescription drugs. However, the fact is that this pales in comparison to the growing supply chain problems in the healthcare workforce. The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates a workforce shortage of 124,000 physicians by 2031. There’s expected to be an even more significant shortage among nurses; the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics estimates a shortage of 200,000 nurses by the same year.

Addressing this workforce supply chain problem is critical for the well-being of our health systems, but even more so for patients receiving and paying for care. There is no choice but to address this issue. In 2024, we’ll see a concerted effort to appropriately access and use extensive, up-to-date clinician data as a building block for creative solutions to tackle this problem. 


Unmanageable workloads because of staffing shortages among physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, technicians, allied health and home aides significantly contribute to rising burnout rates. A recent Medscape survey found that more than half of physicians experience burnout. While these daily demands continue to compound, medical professionals face a problematic decade ahead as our population of individuals 65 and older surpasses 56 million, lifespans increase and chronic conditions continue to rise.

While no one has a crystal ball, the status quo is unsustainable. We’ll start to see clinician big data used more to help solve some of healthcare’s most pressing issues. Utilizing clinician data, like patient data in the past decade, will give health systems the tools to understand why clinicians feel burnout. More importantly, it will determine what strategies will create a work environment best suited for healthcare workers.

How will clinician big data solve these problems? It can’t do it by data alone. Big data by itself is “big noise” if not properly curated. But in the upcoming year, this data, combined with artificial intelligence that can analyze and predict, will be incorporated more by health systems. Major problems like workforce shortages and burnout that seem unfixable will become attainable problems to solve, albeit incrementally at first. Clinician big data does that in the following ways.

  • Provide the tools for pinpoint recruiting. Clinician big data makes understanding hiring needs before a staffing shortage becomes a reality. When a health system can visualize real-time workforce trends and gaps, it can analyze and adapt accordingly — for example, by hiring a specialist based on the trending patient encounters, clinician practice patterns and provider referrals in the surrounding area. This insight enables health systems to anticipate and meet patient demands and ensure appropriate physician workloads.
  • Ensure high clinician engagement and satisfaction with streamlined onboarding processes. In a world where Internet advertisements seem to already know what you’re thinking, there’s no reason that clinician credentialing, a requirement to keep patients safe, takes weeks or months to complete and often delays clinicians from doing what they’re trained to do, treat patients. Health systems will tap into existing data sources to improve and speed up onboarding processes to hire quickly and efficiently based on priority needs and patient demands.
  • Future-proof our most valuable healthcare resource: clinicians. Health systems can use real-time clinician big data, not anecdotes, to inventory clinicians across demographics, license types, service lines, facilities, markets, procedures, practice affinity and patient populations to mirror location-specific supply and demand.

In light of the stakes, there has never been a greater need to apply data to address these challenges in the U.S. healthcare workforce, like shortages and burnout. However, until recently, the data relative to a practitioner’s credentials, skills, capabilities, utilization factors, stress level and placement potential is scattered across hundreds of sources and often out-of-date and incomplete.

This makes it difficult for healthcare leaders to meet credentialing and privileging regulations, quickly deploy appropriate resources, and optimize their workforce. In 2024, health systems will begin to optimize and utilize clinician data at scale to address the biggest challenge facing healthcare today – the supply and demand gap.

Charlie Lougheed is the CEO and co-founder of Axuall.

Frist Cressey Ventures Backs Axuall’s Rapid Expansion as Customer ROI Builds

Frist Cressey Ventures is among the nation’s leading venture capital firms in healthcare, joining a large group of healthcare investors and organizations supporting Axuall.

CLEVELAND, August 2, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Axuall has announced the addition of Frist Cressey Ventures to its investor family with a Series B-1 investment following the company’s Series B funding in May 2023. Axuall has raised over $41 million from a combination of more than two dozen leading healthcare organizations to address the growing need to leverage big data to solve the pressing problems of process inefficiencies, workforce shortages, and onboarding delays. Axuall’s offerings optimize clinician experience while improving patient care access and financial strength.

The collaboration between Axuall and Frist Cressey Ventures represents a significant step forward in driving healthcare innovation. Frist Cressey Ventures, a leading healthcare venture capital firm providing strategic support in the key areas that help businesses thrive, innovate, and deliver on their promise to affect systemic change, brings extensive provider and payor perspective and a deep commitment to advancing transformative solutions. Their partnership with Axuall reinforces the power of data and automation to reshape healthcare delivery and workforce management.

“We are thrilled to partner with Axuall, an organization that is revolutionizing workforce optimization in healthcare through data-driven solutions,” shares Senator Bill Frist, M.D., co-founder and partner of Frist Cressey Ventures. “Axuall’s commitment to driving efficiency and cost-effectiveness aligns perfectly with our mission of transforming healthcare to improve lives. We believe this investment will contribute to Axuall’s continued growth and create a lasting impact in the industry by unlocking the power of data to enhance the clinical workforce.”

Axuall’s Workforce Intelligence Network enables healthcare organizations to plug into a vast array of clinician data from nearly 7,000 data sources and directly from physicians, advanced practice providers, and nurses via an integrated digital credential wallet with integrated smart applications. Connecting to the systems, vendors, and processes that these organizations already use today, the technology has resulted in significant cost savings and efficiency gains at leading healthcare organizations across the country while providing insights into their clinician populations for planning, recruiting, and placement.

MedStar Health’s Institute for Innovation, along with system clinical and operational partners, began work with Axuall in 2021 as a customer and development partner, recently expanding its equity investment this year. As part of its innovation transformation initiatives across its 10 hospitals and more than 300 care locations, MedStar Health has integrated Axuall’s technology into its next-generation clinician credentialing, onboarding, and engagement process. Their work together has already yielded an initial 21-day reduction or roughly a third of processing time while reporting a clinician satisfaction score of 9 out of 10. Integrated with MedStar Health’s provider management application, which is HealthStream’s CredentialStream application, the Axuall Network and Digital Credential Wallet streamline the inflow of data to shorten clinician deployment times to help meet patient needs in the communities they serve.

“Axuall has been an integral innovation partner during our credentialing transformation journey,” said Bill Sheahan, Chief Innovation Officer at MedStar Health and Executive Director of the MedStar Institute for Innovation. “Recognizing that positive change is sparked by combining exceptional technology, people, and processes, fostering a culture of innovation has been a core component of our commitment to our patients and clinicians who care for them. We are excited by the results we’ve seen and look forward to further leveraging data and automation to drive future efficiencies.”

“Data innovation is the catalyst for much-needed workforce optimization in healthcare, and we are proud of what we’ve built with MedStar Health and the many innovative healthcare organizations we’ve worked with since our inception,” stated Charlie Lougheed, co-founder, and CEO of Axuall. “Moreover, we are delighted to partner with Frist Cressey Ventures, a firm so dedicated to advancements in healthcare. Their insights, influence, and connections in the provider and payor space will be instrumental as we expand into new sectors and product lines.”

About Axuall:

Built with leading healthcare systems, Axuall is a workforce intelligence company powered by a national real-time practitioner data network. The technology enables healthcare systems, staffing firms, telehealth, and health plans to dramatically reduce onboarding and enrollment time while providing robust data insights for network planning, analytics, and reporting. To learn more, visit or follow Axuall on LinkedIn.

About Frist Cressey Ventures:

The Frist Cressey Ventures’ mission is simple: to transform healthcare to improve lives. We invest in technology and service businesses with viable solutions that improve quality of care, system integration, patient outcomes, and population health and well-being.

We focus our time and attention on three key areas: recruiting top talent, connecting partnerships with our deep industry network, and executing our partnerships’ plans to improve healthcare.

Media Contact:

Laura Hamilton

Senior Marketing Manager

Axuall Secures $20M Series B Capital Raise after Accelerated Market Growth & Enterprise Adoption

Noro-Moseley Partners, along with a syndicate of leading healthcare organizations, invest in optimizing the clinician workforce via Axuall’s Data Network

CLEVELAND, May 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Axuall, the industry leader in clinical workforce intelligence, proudly announced today the investment of $20 million in Series B funding led by Noro-Moseley Partners, with additional investors Flare Capital Partners, Intermountain Ventures, University Hospitals Ventures, Hartford HealthCare, (part of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies), Epsilon Health Investors, InHealth Ventures, AV8 Ventures, JumpStart Ventures, and M25 Ventures. Axuall’s investors and the organizations they represent comprise over two dozen of the nation’s leading healthcare organizations that recognize the imperative to improve clinical workforce efficiency amidst significant economic and staffing challenges.

Established and developed with leading healthcare systems since 2019, Axuall is a workforce intelligence company built on a national real-time practitioner data network that connects healthcare organizations to a vast array of data, providing insights for network planning, analytics, and reporting, while dramatically reducing onboarding and enrollment time via provider-enabled digital credentials.

“Timely clinician population data is key to optimizing a healthcare workforce, a factor that ranks among the most critical priorities for healthcare leaders,” stated Ajay Kumar, M.D., EVP & Chief Clinical Officer, Hartford HealthCare. “An optimized workforce enables organizations to meet demand, improving patient outcomes and healthcare systems’ economics.”

Meanwhile, reducing friction within the people side of the supply chain is critical to addressing staffing shortages in the United States. Planning, recruiting, and placement have long been inefficient, time-consuming, and painful for clinicians and healthcare organizations. However, organizations that leverage data networks to streamline the process will be the choice of healthcare systems and clinicians in the coming years.

“With Axuall’s network, we are transforming the way we collect and validate credentials, allowing qualified clinicians to onboard at facilities swiftly and efficiently,” said Chris Franklin, President of “Our commitment to providing access to quality patient care is at the core of our mission, and this investment represents a significant step forward in achieving that goal.”

Ryan Collins, Principal at Noro-Moseley Partners, will join Axuall’s board of directors and stated, “Axuall’s workforce optimization solutions address a top pain point for its customers, offers a sizable and demonstrable ROI, and is a testament to the team’s deep domain expertise with provider-facing technology solutions. Noro-Moseley is excited to invest in and be a part of Axuall’s rapid growth.”

In addition to growing its product, sales, and marketing teams, Axuall will use the capital raised to continue to develop its data partnerships across its network, which today consists of over 6,800 primary data sources. Funding will also be used to accelerate its API integration into the planning, recruiting, credentialing, enrollment, CRM, and electronic medical record systems that healthcare organizations use today.

“The growth we experienced since our inception tells us that being the connector to clinicians and their data is important to the ecosystem of our customers, vendors, and data partners,” stated Charlie Lougheed, Co-founder and CEO of Axuall. “We are humbled and honored by the support from the healthcare community and forward-looking investors as we address this opportunity to improve access to quality care.”

About Axuall

Built with leading healthcare systems, Axuall is a workforce intelligence company powered by a national real-time practitioner data network. The technology enables healthcare systems, staffing firms, telehealth, and health plans to dramatically reduce onboarding and enrollment time while providing robust data insights for network planning, analytics, and reporting. To learn more, visit or follow Axuall on LinkedIn.

About Noro-Moseley Partners

Noro-Moseley Partners is a growth equity firm backing leading entrepreneurs across the healthcare IT, healthcare services, and B2B software sectors. Since 1983, NMP has invested nearly $1 billion across more than 200 companies, and the managers of NMP’s current fund, Noro-Moseley Partners IX, have more than 60 years collectively of direct growth equity investing experience. Through NMP’s domain expertise, active board participation, and network that includes strategic health plan and hospital system limited partners, the firm aims to support management teams through key inflection points on their company’s growth trajectory.

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Laura Hamilton
Senior Marketing Manager

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Lehigh Valley Health Network Selects Axuall to Power its Workforce Analytics & Digital Credentialing

Workforce intelligence technology enables healthcare organizations to apply data and analytics across their clinician population to drive better and faster decisions across human capital management, while reducing onboard delays.

CLEVELAND, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) has selected Real-Time Clinician Data Network provider Axuall to leverage big data to improve the clinician onboarding process and power workforce intelligence throughout its 13 hospital campuses, numerous health centers, physician practices, rehabilitation locations, ExpressCARE sites and other outpatient care locations in 10 eastern Pennsylvania counties.

Workforce intelligence technology plays a crucial role in ensuring the clinician pipeline runs as efficiently as possible. By providing leading health systems with comprehensive, real-time insight into their current and future clinical workforce, leaders can better navigate the increasing challenges of care logistics such as addressing gaps in access and quality as a result of workforce supply, distributing precious resources more efficiently, and optimizing their care networks.

“Lehigh Valley Health Network is extremely excited to commence our clinician data strategy with Axuall, further focusing on reducing barriers to access and quality through a faster and more robust onboarding process, optimizing workforce analytics and improving the clinician experience,” said Maulik Purohit, MD, MPH, Chief Health Information Officer at LVHN. “With Axuall’s Real-Time Clinician Data Network, LVHN will be able to create powerful data streams and tap into further insights that will directly impact our clinical teams by eliminating inefficiencies and reducing burdens. This partnership is one example of how LVHN is using modern digital infrastructure and data analytics to improve patient care.”

LVHN will use data and analytics from the Axuall Network, comprising more than 6,800 primary sources, to help it achieve its goals of reducing manual data collection credentialing operations and clinician deployment times, as well as create a strategic pathway to fuel clinician recruitment and privileging – all in an effort to fill open roles, meet patient access and safety needs, combat clinician burnout, and achieve financial objectives.

“Workforce optimization has never been more important to delivering quality care, reducing burnout, and achieving cost efficiency in healthcare,” shared Charlie Lougheed, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Axuall. “We’re thrilled to partner with LVHN as it puts data to work for its clinicians and administrative teams alike.”

About Axuall

Built with leading healthcare systems, Axuall is a workforce intelligence company powered by a national real-time practitioner data network. The technology enables healthcare systems, staffing firms, telehealth, and health plans to dramatically reduce onboarding and enrollment time while also providing unique, powerful data insights for network planning, analytics and reporting. To learn more, visit

About Lehigh Valley Health Network

Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) includes 13 hospital campuses, four in Allentown, two in Bethlehem, one in Easton, one in East Stroudsburg, one in Hazleton, two in Pottsville, one in Dickson City, and one in Lehighton, Pa.; 28 health centers; numerous primary and specialty care physician practices; 20 ExpressCARE locations including the area’s only Children’s ExpressCARE; pharmacy, imaging, home health, rehabilitation and lab services; and preferred provider services through Valley Preferred. Additional information is available by visiting or following LVHN on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Veteran Healthcare Technology Executive Michael Hawkins Joins Axuall as Chief Technology Officer

CLEVELAND, Jan. 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Clinical Workforce Intelligence Leader Axuall announced today the appointment of veteran healthcare technology executive Michael Hawkins to the position of Chief Technology Officer. With more than 20 years of delivering innovative healthcare technology solutions, Hawkins will put his skills and expertise in software development and team building to considerable use as Axuall continues to identify and strategize innovative approaches to existing challenges in the various market segments it serves.

“Michael is an outstanding technology leader with a record of continuous success working in the healthcare SaaS industry, building world-class technology teams and leading the development of powerful and intelligent solutions for high growth organizations,” said Charlie Lougheed, CEO and co-founder of Axuall. “I am thrilled to welcome Michael as Chief Technology Officer, as we continue to deliver on the power of using data and analytics for workforce optimization.”

Hawkins brings industry-leading experience, having led major industry technology innovation as CTO of Patient Discovery, CTO of Vivify (Optum), and VP of Development at MEDHOST. With a career spanning decades, he has successfully launched, scaled, and implemented disruptive healthcare technology solutions nationwide.

“With my passion for building solutions for complex workflows, I am excited to be joining the Axuall team and their mission of delivering workforce intelligence to leading healthcare systems,” shared Hawkins. “I look forward to working with such a talented team to expand Axuall’s real-time Clinician Data network and continue to enhance the SaaS and API platform for customers and partners.”

About Axuall

Built with leading healthcare systems, Axuall is a workforce intelligence company powered by a national real-time practitioner data network. The technology enables healthcare systems, staffing firms, telehealth, and health plans to dramatically reduce onboarding and enrollment time while also providing unique, powerful data insights for network planning, analytics and reporting. To learn more, visit

Contact Information:
Laura Hamilton

Axuall Announces Expansion of Digital Credential Network to Include Nursing

Built and sponsored by 26 leading healthcare systems, Axuall is combating healthcare’s #1 challenge: Workforce Optimization. Expansion now provides coverage for more than 5 million clinicians nationwide, including Physicians, Advanced Practice Providers and Nurses!

Nursing is the nation’s largest healthcare profession, with more than 3.8 million Registered Nurses (RN) nationwide. Although considered the backbone to providing quality care and meeting patient demand, the nursing community is left with an ongoing crisis:

  • An aging population is increasing the demand of patient care
  • A generation of nurses are retiring
  • The current credentialing and onboarding process is taking months to backfill and deploy positions
  • Skyrocketing labor costs

Axuall is a workforce intelligence company powered by a national real-time practitioner data network. The technology enables healthcare systems, staffing firms, telehealth, and health plans to dramatically reduce onboarding and enrollment time while also providing unique, powerful data insights for network planning, analytics and reporting.

NOMS Healthcare Proactively Selects Axuall to Optimize Workforce Management

Clinical workforce intelligence leader Axuall will leverage real-time data and verifications to optimize and rapidly onboard NOMS Healthcare clinicians.

CLEVELAND, Nov. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Axuall announced today that NOMS Healthcare, Northern Ohio’s largest independent multi-specialty physician practice, has selected Axuall to optimize its workforce management. Using data and analytics, Axuall and NOMS will create powerful data streams and insights that will eliminate inefficiencies, reduce burnout, increase patient access, and enable more efficient onboarding and deployment of clinical staff through Axuall’s Real-Time Clinician Data Network.

Workforce intelligence technology is allowing healthcare organizations to apply data and analytics across their employee populations to drive better and faster decisions across human capital management. As organizations struggle to fill roles, combat clinician burnout, meet patient demand and achieve their financial objectives, workforce intelligence technology can play a crucial role in ensuring that the workforce supply chain is running as efficiently as possible. Taking a proactive step by implementing Axuall’s workforce intelligence solution, NOMS Healthcare will have the ability to lean on real-time data to identify gaps in their workforce, allocate all of their resources more proficiently and enhance their networks in the future.

“We’re excited to work with NOMS Healthcare as they leverage our data network and automation technology to optimize and grow their workforce,” shared Charlie Lougheed, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Axuall. “Giving clinicians better visibility and control over their digital career credentials while data-enabling healthcare organizations to safely streamline their deployment is critical to meeting patient demand.”

“We are excited to partner with Axuall to assist us in streamlining our provider credentialing process,” shared Rick Schneider, NOMS Healthcare Chief Strategic Officer. “This relationship will help us create efficiencies and ultimately ensure our patients receive care as quickly as possible.”

About Axuall

Built with leading healthcare systems, Axuall is a workforce intelligence company powered by a national real-time practitioner data network. The technology enables healthcare systems, staffing firms, telehealth, and health plans to dramatically reduce onboarding and enrollment time while also providing unique, powerful data insights for network planning, analytics and reporting. To learn more, visit

About NOMS Healthcare

NOMS Healthcare (Northern Ohio Medical Specialists) is an independent physician-led, physician-owned multi-specialty group with over 300 providers across Northern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Founded in 2001, the independent collaborative is considered one of the nation’s most progressive leaders in the quest to effectuate reform of the country’s antiquated healthcare system. Established with a mission to provide patients with the best possible outcomes at the lowest possible costs, NOMS is in hyper-growth mode as physicians and health systems are eager to partner with NOMS’ cutting-edge ranks. NOMS providers practice in over 30 specialties with emphasis on collaborating with patients to provide the most advanced treatments and highest quality care.

Contact Information:


Laura Hamilton

NOMS Healthcare:

Nicole McFee

Purpose Jobs Recognizes Axuall as Best Place to Work in 2023

Detroit, MI – Purpose Jobs, the Midwest’s largest startup and tech community, today announced Axuall to its list of best places to work in Midwest tech in 2023. The list covered companies headquartered and hiring in the following cities and remote: Ann Arbor, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Cleveland and more.

“We are thrilled to be included on Purpose Jobs’ list of the Best Places to Work in 2023,” said Charlie Lougheed, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Axuall. “Our people matter just as much as our mission; they’re why this is a great place to work. They remind me every day why our work together is so important.”

Companies across the Midwest region (and those hiring in the Midwest) were evaluated based on culture, benefits, growth opportunities, commitment to people, and mission.

With the rise of inflation, economic uncertainty and layoffs across the board, the job market has been turbulent and making people rethink their careers and purpose. Professionals are reprioritizing what’s important to them in a job and a lot of it has nothing to do with the job itself. They’re looking for great cultures, growth opportunities, flexibility, and the chance to work in a purpose-driven environment.

In fact, according to a new study from the American Psychological Association, 81% of individuals surveyed said they will be looking for workplaces that support mental health when they seek future job opportunities.

“Great workplaces are built on great cultures,” said Ryan Landau, founder and CEO of Purpose Jobs. “Top talent across the country and beyond are looking for purpose-driven organizations that put their people first and make building a healthy culture a priority. That’s what it means to be a best place to work.”

About Purpose Jobs

Purpose Jobs is the Midwest’s largest startup and tech community. They connect top talent with purpose-driven companies based on values, experience and culture contribution. Purpose Jobs creates a human-first approach to job matching where employers have access to interview-ready candidates who have filled out a profile that highlights skills, experience, and cultural importance.

About Axuall

Built with leading healthcare systems, Axuall is a workforce intelligence company powered by a national real-time practitioner data network. The technology enables healthcare systems, staffing firms, telehealth, and health plans to dramatically reduce onboarding and enrollment time while also providing unique, powerful data insights for network planning, analytics and reporting. To learn more, visit

Axuall Appoints Seasoned Healthcare Business Developer Mike Bechtel as SVP of Commercial Growth

CLEVELAND, Nov. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Axuall, Inc. announced today that it has appointed seasoned healthcare technology executive and business developer Mike Bechtel as Senior Vice President of Commercial Growth. Bechtel, a well-respected expert in the patient and member engagement, data analytics, and digital identity management space, will be responsible for Axuall’s end-to-end commercial and collaborative development approach with clients and stakeholders across various market segments.

“As revenue leakage, and clinician shortages persist and deepen, modernizing the onboarding and enrollment processes, as well as empowering existing resources by optimizing and managing clinical workforce data and analytics is vital,” shared Bechtel. “I’m thrilled to be joining Charlie and the stellar team at Axuall to solve such critical challenges that plague our healthcare organizations today with a truly unique approach.”

After beginning his career in hospital administration, Bechtel transitioned into the healthcare technology sector and has held leadership positions in sales, strategy, account management, and client services for more than 20 years with companies including Emmi Solutions, Explorys (IBM), and Oneview Healthcare. Most recently, he served as Vice President of Healthcare and Insurance at Prove – an industry leading digital identity authentication network – where he managed a team of enterprise sales directors and led the go-to-market strategy efforts for both the Healthcare and Insurance industry verticals. This included industry product alignment, market messaging, segmentation and sales and channel partner strategy.

“It’s great to be working with Mike again as we scale our national commercial footprint,” stated Charlie Lougheed, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Axuall. “We’re excited to put Mike’s experience and track recording to work in helping to solve one of the biggest challenges in enterprise healthcare – workforce optimization.”

About Axuall

Built with leading healthcare systems, Axuall is a workforce intelligence company powered by a national real-time practitioner data network. The technology enables healthcare systems, staffing firms, telehealth, and health plans to dramatically reduce onboarding and enrollment time while also providing unique, powerful data insights for network planning, analytics and reporting. To learn more, visit

Contact Information:

Laura Hamilton